Enrolment options

what you will learn:

what you will learn:

  • What is content writing?
  • What is the difference between content writing and medical translation?
  • What are types of medical writing ?
  • What is SEO ?
  • How do you write an article with SEO?
  • Where do you get the right information?
  • Using some website as shatter stock and quil pot
  • Writing a wonderful article without any mistakes?
  • Storytelling, copywriting
  • How to use Wordpress?
  • Google andense and Alexa
  • How to be a professional video creator: some tricks?
  • How to make a graphical abstract?
  • How to read a research paper?
  • How to write a research paper?
  • Background in statistical analysis

Course rating:
Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)